Digital campaign development in 4 stages
Digital campaign development involves the following 4 phases:
Phase 1 - Planning:
Situational Analysis for your business
Your business needs & goals
Market research:
Competitor Analysis
Value proposition
Buyer personas & target market segmentation
To reach your markets, define your:
Core messaging
Priority channels to suit your audiences
Develop a realistic short-to-medium term strategy based on your capacity and available resources
Phase 2 - Analysis:
Identify target market segments and suitable digital channels for the campaign, such as blogs, video, social media, email marketing, paid advertising etc.
Develop the integration of digital and traditional elements of the campaign.
How you will measure success? Establish goals for the campaign such as pages visited, increased engagement, SEO ranking improvements, volume of leads, enquieies & online sales, etc.
Phase 3 - Development:
Work with your team to ensure that the digital marketing campaign reflects the organisation’s brand & requirements
Draft the appropriate web content, with particular attention to search engine optimisation
Design the text,...