Digital campaign development in 4 stages

Digital campaign development involves the following 4 phases: Phase 1 - Planning: Situational Analysis for your business Your business needs & goals Market research: Competitor Analysis USP Value proposition Buyer personas & target market segmentation To reach your markets, define your: Core messaging Priority channels to suit your audiences Develop a realistic short-to-medium term strategy based on your capacity and available resources Phase 2 - Analysis: Identify target market segments and suitable digital channels for the campaign, such as blogs, video, social media, email marketing, paid advertising etc.  Develop the integration of digital and traditional elements of the campaign.  How you will measure success? Establish goals for the campaign such as pages visited, increased engagement, SEO ranking improvements, volume of leads, enquieies & online sales, etc.   Phase 3 - Development: Work with your team to ensure that the digital marketing campaign reflects the organisation’s brand & requirements  Draft the appropriate web content, with particular attention to search engine optimisation  Design the text,...
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Tracking your success

Tracking your success

Digital marketing has some great advantages over traditional marketing – according to recent research there are 4.2 billion active users on social media globally. Users spend a lot of time online daily for a number of reasons: To find out about and engage with brands, To research products (B2C)and To source new products (B2B) John Wanamake famously once said 'Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half.' Many small businesses today struggle with this same issue. In this article I compare concepts in your digital journey with a physical journey. These goals or  Setting tangible goals and measuring what’s working is central to developing a successful digital strategy. Another major advantage to digital is that you can also carefully measure and track your user engagement online, and assess what tactics are really working for you. So when correctly  It is really important to track the success your tactics on an ongoing basis, paying attention to the milestones...
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Digital Strategy – Where do I start?

Digital Strategy – Where do I start?

To do digital well you will need to make a plan & develop your strategy, then spend time and resources to implementing this strategy. This includes defining your brand messaging, planning & creating your content, research your competitors and defining your target audiences. You will also spend time on your digital channels driving brand awareness and communicating effectively with your audiences. Before you seriously think about starting your strategy, need to think about and answer these questions. This post talks through important questions in detail, and provides helpful tips and tools to aid you on the journey.So lets get started... There are a few concepts that you need to be familiar with before you start out on your digital journey. To demystify this process a little, I will compare the journey you are about to take with a journey in real life. Starting the journey: The Starting PointBefore starting any journey, in order to track your progress, you will need to...
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Developing an Effective Strategy

Developing an Effective Strategy

Making a good start is half of the workWhen thinking about and developing your digital strategy it is easy to become overwhelmed with where you should start and how do you can develop a sustainable strategy that works for your business.Some common questions we are often asked include:Who are your customers?What channels should you chose to reach them?What do they want to hear from you?How much time should I spend?How will you know what's working?We will talk through and answer these questions over the next few weeks...Today we are going to discuss how to develop an effective strategy, how to set meaningful goals and measuring your success. As the saying goes, in all things a good start is half the work!Read this post for an introduction to the basic concepts associated with developing digital marketing strategy.You will need to consider and answer the 7 following questions:Why do you sell what you sell? Define your core brand messaging...Do you know who...
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